[ANN]: Button HTTPd 0.1

Andre Garzia soapdog at mac.com
Tue Jan 13 01:04:43 EST 2004

	Hi Folks,

Based on the codebase from revHTTPd Project 
(http://www.soapdog.org/rev/revhttpd.html), I made a custom version of 
HTTPd, it's a button, it contains everything. The objective is that you 
add this button to your object library, so when you feel like giving 
your stacks the ability to show data as XML or HTML you just add that 
button to your app.

The server can be started by sending a "serverStart" message to the 
button, sending the message again will stop it.

The server can be configured by setting some custom properties like 
cPort (port it will listen) cServerHDFiles (if it will serve files from 

The nice trick is that, add this button to your app, trap the 
http_getHTML and http_getXML in your substacks, write output to 
http_result custom property and thats all. Check revHTTPd documentation 
for better info. I am yet to write a doc on this button.

The difference between this and rev HTTPd Stack is that the 
configuration are all custom properties. You can set them as you wish, 
others are set at runtime for data storage purpose.

I made this in 20 min so expect a nice update soon, there I'll optimise 
everything for embedded operations.

yours trully, Andre Garzia

Also what do you think of the motto: "One Button, One Server"

The download is here: http://public.soapdog.org named btnHTTPd.rev.zip


Andre Garzia ð 2003
imac2 ibook p100 e uma torradeira....

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