ANN: HTTPd Stack update.

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Mon Jan 12 22:37:20 EST 2004

	Hi Folks,

I made an update for my revHTTPd Stack. You can get it from my homepage 
( or direct from my File Sharing Drop Box 

Major enhancements are:
Better error handling, things like timeout are now working.
Better mime header construction. Now we can serve the mime headers 
correct (not everything, but most commons one).
New Stack: listStacks. This one will list the substacks of HTTPd as 
link, this is cool to see what options one have available.
New Stack:pasteboard. Guess what, it servers the current clipboard 
content as HTML or XML.
New Stack:hits. Display the hits for the server.

You can get it from: File Sharing Drop Box

Join the Revolution!
Serve the Developer!

Andre Garzia ð 2003
imac2 ibook p100 e uma torradeira....

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