Linux Filepath problem

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Mon Jan 12 06:12:25 EST 2004

--- "T. R. Ponn" <alptex2 at> wrote:
> Hello all!
> I'm developing on Mac OS9.2.2, RunRev2.0.3 for
> multiple platform 
> distribution...
> One of the first things I do in my app (on
> openstack) is to:
> on openStack
>   global warming -- :-)
>   set the itemDelimiter to "/"
>   put (item 1 to -2 of the effective filename of
> this stack)&"/" into 
> line 26 of warming
> This puts the pathname into a global, which is used
> for MANY file 
> functions (put "blah" into url...get url...etc) in
> my app.  I've found 
> it to be a handy way for me to look for various cfg
> files I've placed in 
> the same folder with the app.  If the user moves a
> cfg file out of the 
> folder, I have a function that rebuilds it and puts
> it where it should be.
> So...on the mac and problems.  But on my
> Linux build, it puts 
> "./" into the global.  What gives here?  Any Linux
> lovers know a 
> work-around?  Any special ways to use "effective
> filename of this stack" 
> to get the explicit path name?
> Thanks for any assistance you can lend!
> Best Regards,
> Tim Ponn

Hi Tim,

Is it possible you're launching Revolution from the
command line ? I heard that may cause Revolution to
think it's operating in dir "./"

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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