Flute Tuner

Ken Norris pixelbird at interisland.net
Sun Jan 11 16:49:36 EST 2004

Hi Nelson,

> Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 23:13:32 -0700
> From: Nelson Zink <zink at newmex.com>
> Subject: Flute Tuner
> I'd like to build a flute tuner. Can anyone suggest a rough script of how to
> get the frequency of input from the internal microphone on a Mac?
I noticed you didn't get a response so far...with good reason.

I'd be the last to say something can't be done with Rev, but what you're
asking for is not so simple and AFAIK there are no Rev terms for dealing
with it from scratch, i.e., it may reqire an external (perhaps more than

First, I should make mention that there are numerous dedicated portable
digital tuners available at every music store I've ever been in. They're
very common and not expensive anymore:


***...but if you hurry to get in a bid, you can get a KORG tuner dirt cheap
on eBay right now (bid was at $14.95 when I looked):


Having said that, here is some software from BuzzMac (maybe you can figure
out how they did it):


...other than that, the only thing I can do is point you to QuickTime midi
instruments and see if there is some way to use the player to make
comparisons. At least you could do it by ear.

Ken N. 

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