Converting Hexadecimal in Binary

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at
Fri Jan 9 14:48:59 EST 2004

Hi developers,

I use this handler to convert a jpg embedded in
an Adobe Ilustrator file (version 6 or 7) as
Hexadecimal data in a binary image within Runrev.

But it takes so long. Comments to make this faster
are welcome.

on mouseUp
  put the ticks into zxc
  show img id 1088
  put fld hexadecimal into asd
  replace return with empty in asd
  put numtochar(0) after qwe
  repeat until asd is empty
    put numtochar(baseconvert(char 1 to 2 of
asd,16,10)) after qwe
    put numtochar(baseconvert(char 3 to 4 of
asd,16,10)) after qwe
    put numtochar(baseconvert(char 5 to 6 of
asd,16,10)) after qwe
    delete char 1 to 6 of asd
    put numtochar(0) after qwe
  end repeat
  delete last char of qwe
  put chartonum(char -4 of qwe),chartonum(char -3 of
qwe),chartonum(char -2 of qwe),chartonum(char -1 of
  create img
  set the height of it to fld imgheight
  set the width of it to fld imgwidth
  set the imagedata of it to qwe
 hide img id 1088
  put ((the ticks - zxc) / 60) && "seconds to create
the binary imagedata from hexadecimal data"
end mouseUp

I post this stack to download, so you could run
the code with the hex data:


Thanks in advance.


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