Visual Effects glitches (was Re: visual effect command help)

Phil Jimmieson P.Jimmieson at
Thu Jan 8 08:22:15 EST 2004

>On Wednesday, January 7, 2004, at 08:58 AM, Andy Burns wrote:
>>The problem is when I flip
>>back to the previous card (notepad page), I can see the previous card before
>>the effect takes place.
>When I ran into this earlier on XP, it was suggested that I turn off 
>using QuickTime.  That worked, but the effects were a little rougher.
>I have also seen this on other platforms when I click through cards very fast.

I'm seeing a similar problem on Windows 2000 - some visual effects 
appear after the card transitions have occurred. There's a similar 
problem with visual effects with an unlock screen. I can't turn off 
QuickTime because I also want to play some QuickTime movies... I'd 
assumed this was a known bug, but I can't find a reference to it in 
Bugzilla / RevZilla. Should I add it or is it there already?

Phil Jimmieson  phil at  (UK) 0151 794 3689  (Mobile) 07976 983164
Computer Science Dept., Liverpool University, Chadwick Building, Peach Street
Liverpool L69 7ZF    
   I used to sit on a special medical board... ...but now I use this ointment.

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