Update a global when going to a stack as modal

Mark Powell Mark.Powell at veritas.com
Wed Jan 7 18:40:48 EST 2004

Hi Sarah:

Alas, I am declaring it in both place.  Have you done this specific thing
successfully in the past?

BTW, since I posted this message I have tried "sheet stack B" instead of "go
to stack B as modal" and it s.e.e.m.s to work, but I would prefer to use the
'as modal' method.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah Reichelt [mailto:sarahr at genesearch.com.au]

Are you sure you are declaring gFoo as a global in BOTH places?

============ S N I P ============

On 8 Jan 2004, at 7:42 am, Mark Powell wrote:

I have a handler in stack A of the pseudo form below
  LINE 1 <put "Before" into global gFoo>
  LINE 2 <go to stack B as modal; user input there goes into gFoo>
  LINE 3 <put gFoo into fld "Information" of stack A>

The text that is put into the field on stack A is inevitably "Before".
However, if I immediately type 

  put gFoo into fld "Information"

the data that was collected in stack B is put into the field in stack A as
expected.  The global is populated as I would want, except it is as if line
3 above is run before line 2.  What is going on?  Can I not switch between
stacks and collect data?  Is there a workaround?


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