Another newbie Mac Question...

Alex Rice alex at
Mon Jan 5 18:08:18 EST 2004

On Jan 5, 2004, at 4:01 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> So the conundrum remains:  How do we expect Rev the write a custom
> filterProc which will handle all possible Finder type code/file name
> extension combinations?

In  bugzilla #605, tuviah is talking about a solution incl. new 
transcript syntax for specifying multiple types in a filter.

>  it seems
> the info the OS would need is already spec'd:  plists can have a
> CFBundleTypeOSTypes entry for the 4-characxter type code in addition 
> to the
> CFBundleTypeExtensions entry for the file name extension.

And MIME types too.

> So all the parts needed for the OS to pull this off seem to be in 
> place, yet
> Apple tells developers to write custom filter procs -- or so it was 
> last
> time I looked into it; I'd love to find that it's been addressed, and 
> to see
> Tuv employ such an API if one exists.

> In the meantime, filtering for files which do not have an assigned 
> file type
> code does not appear possible in Rev, at least in OS X 10.2.8.  It 
> would be
> useful to know if Pnther users can do this, maybe Apple's alredy 
> addressed
> it.

Seems like it's just a matter of waiting for Rev to fix the problem on 
their side.

Has anyone tried rewriting revGoURL as an XCMD using Launch Services? I 
can give that a try if it's not been done.

Alex Rice <alex at> | Mindlube Software | 

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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