MS-Access ODBC WOES!! non-sensical results?
ops at
Sat Jan 3 19:46:28 EST 2004
I have some (brutal) code below trying to simply test if I can get rev 2.1.2
to read data from an MS-Access table. I'm getting NO errors opening the
DSN, NO errors on the revquerydatabase and getting a VALID cursorID. I'm
getting 'empty' from revQueryResult (which indicates "no errors" in the
docs) yet the revnumberofrecords(cursid) is returning a -1!?!???? The docs
say that revnumberofrecords should either return a text error message or
non-negative integer!?!???
HELP!!!!! I'm new to this and realize (and hope, actually) that I'm doing
something 'newbie'-wrong.....but what is most puzzling is that I'm getting a
negative integer from revnumberofrecords when the docs say that I'm supposed
to get either text or a non-negative integer?? (Obviously) I'm not getting
past the breakpoint to test the code below that, because my repeat loop will
go infinite with "-1 times"....that's not the code I'm worried about though.
on mouseUp
local titl1,art1
put empty into field errfld
put empty into field dispfld
get revOpenDatabase("ODBC","odbcsongdb",,,,)
put it into songdbid
get revquerydatabase(songdbid,"select title,artist from songdb")
put it into cursid
put "cursid: " & cursid & cr into field errfld
put "revquresult: " & revQueryResult(cursid) & cr after field errfld
put "numrecs: " & revnumberofrecords(cursid) & cr after field errfld
if revqueryresult(cursid) is not empty then
put revqueryresult(cursid) into field errfld
repeat for revnumberofrecords(cursid) times
put "Title: " & titl1 & " Artist: " & art1 & cr after field dispfld
revmovetonextrecord cursid
end repeat
end if
revclosecursor cursid
revclosedatabase songdbid
end mouseUp
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