PDF library

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Sat Jan 3 19:40:57 EST 2004

On Wednesday, December 31, 2003, at 03:17 AM, jbv wrote:

> Last but not least, the need to purchase a license from Adobe
> when building an app generating PDF code has been mentioned
> (by me and confirmed by someone else) a few weeks ago on
> this list. Does it apply also in case of a 100% free and open source
> library for Rev ?

Is that consistent with this?

"An open file format specification, PDF is available to anyone who 
wants to develop tools to create, view, or manipulate PDF documents."


And this?

Patent Clarification Notice:
        Reading and Writing PDF Files
        Adobe has a number of patents covering technology that is 
disclosed in the Portable Document Format (PDF) Specification, version 
1.3 and later, as documented in PDF Reference and associated Technical 
Notes (the "Specification". Adobe desires to promote the use of PDF for 
information interchange among diverse products and applications.
        Accordingly, the following patents are licensed on a 
royalty-free, non-exclusive basis for the term of each patent and for 
the sole purpose of developing software that produces, consumes, and 
interprets PDF files that are compliant with the Specification:

U.S. Patent Numbers:

         • 5,634,064
          • 5,737,599
          • 5,781,785
          • 5,819,301
          • 6,028,583
          • 6,289,364
          • 6,421,460

        In addition, the following patent is licensed on a royalty-free, 
non-exclusive basis for its term and for the sole purpose of developing 
software that produces PDF files that are compliant with the 
Specification (specifically excluding, however, software that consumes 
and/or interprets PDF files):

U.S. Patent Numbers:
         • 5,860,074


Is there a fee fro the patent license?

Dar Scott

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