Interfaces: PC and MAC and the screenGamma property...

Scott Rossi scott at
Sat Jan 3 18:02:26 EST 2004

On 1/3/04 2:11 PM, "Richard Gaskin" <ambassador at> wrote:

> The difference between me and a fair number of other Apple loyalists is
> recognizing that status quo is deadly in an environment of radical dynamic
> change like computing.  As with living organisms, the only organizations
> that aren't moving are dead.
> So I ask questions, and once in a while some feel these may appear to be
> "anti-Apple" sentiments, but that's not the case at all.  I'm just trying to
> think beyond Steve's last keynote.

Kudos to Brother Richard for making this point.  No tech company is beyond
question, including Apple, RunRev, etc.  It's up to us developers/users to
push for things that make the systems/tools better.  Do so will make life
better for all; blind faith loyalty won't benefit anyone.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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