spontaneously resizing fields

Alex Rice alex at mindlube.com
Sat Jan 3 14:41:15 EST 2004

On Jan 3, 2004, at 3:37 AM, Wouter wrote:

>  And this one using the traversalOn property instead of the 
> showFocusBorder?
> Works for me ( both rev and mc) with the select empty :

OK thanks- this one works for me - no resizing occurs.

But it's a lot less usable because the user sees no focus border.
It also confirms my suspicion all this problem is caused by the 
rendering of the focusborder, somehow.

> on updateUI
>   if lFldLocked <> true then
>     if fld 1 = empty then disable fld 1
>     else
>       set the lockText of fld 1 to true
>       set the traversalon of fld 1 to false
>       select empty
>     end if
>   else
>     if not the enabled of fld 1then enable fld 1
>     set the traversalon of fld 1 to true
>     set the lockText of fld 1 to false
>     select text of fld 1
>   end if
> end updateUI
Alex Rice <alex at mindlube.com> | Mindlube Software | 

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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