Problem with Set Script in Compiled App

Stewart Lynch slynch at
Fri Jan 2 17:13:04 EST 2004

I need help with the following code snippet from one of my applications
that I am developing.  Everything works fine when run in development mode
but when I compile and save as a standalone application the LAST line of
the script does not get implemented.  Everything else works perfectly.

Why would the "Set the script" command not work in a standalone

 put "MarkTemplate" into nme
-- the following varible, newnme is generated based on other information
gathered previously
    put numMarks & (cnt + 1) into newnme
      --   Create the new Marks Field 
      put the properties of card field nme into myArray
      create field newnme
      put the short id of it into newID
      set the properties of card field newnme to myArray
      set the name of card field id newID to newnme
      set the script of card field newNme to the script of card field nme

:  o/  : Stewart Lynch
: <|   : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / >  : Richmond School District
:......:   Richmond, BC Canada
Internet: slynch at
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006

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