Bug Database Changes Completed - PLEASE READ!

Mark Chia mark at runrev.com
Sun Feb 8 13:37:14 EST 2004

Hello Revolutionaries!

The changes to the Bugzilla have been completed and tested. It is 
important for everyone to read what has changed and to get an 
understanding of how this impacts on the management of bugs. Therefore, 
please read this message in its entirety.

************** IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ **************
Bugzilla sends email to people when the Resolution of a bug has changed.
Since we have made changes to the terms used in some of the Resolutions
(such as "INVALID" is now "NOT_A_BUG"), Bugzilla will automatically send
out emails to people informing them of the change of Resolution, even if
the bug has *already been resolved*. For example, if a person had a bug
from a long time ago that got resolved as "INVALID", that person will
receive an email on that bug letting them know the Resolution was
changed to "NOT_A_BUG". So please be prepared for getting emails from
Bugzilla on these initial Resolution changes, which you can ignore or

Here are the changes that have been made:

PENDING has been added to the list of Statuses, and is used to 
distinguish between bugs that have been submitted, but not yet 
reviewed (UNCONFIRMED) and those that have been reviewed, but 
cannot be assigned yet due to lack of information, a reproducible 
recipe, etc. (PENDING). 

PENDING inserts itself into the workflow between UNCONFIRMED and 
NEW. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the workflow on 
the bugs, or would like to refresh your memory, look at the 
bottom of this email for a walkthrough on the bug process.

Statuses now in the system:

- The Resolutions of REMIND and LATER have been removed (for more info
LATER, see "Target Milestones", below). 
- MOVED has been kept for future use.

Resolutions now in the system:
     --- (not resolved)

Target Milestones
Starting now, we will be using the Target Milestones to indicate in what
version a particular bug was resolved. So any bugs that we are fixing
for 2.2 will get the Target of "2.2". Bugs that were previously marked
with a status of LATER (indicating that we want to fix it, but just not
in the current build) have been changed to a status of ASSIGNED, with a
resolution of --- and a Target Milestone of "Future". This will allow us
to quickly find the bugs that we could not address in the current 
development cycle. Once we address them, we will change the Target 
Milestone to the version number in which it was resolved (and of course 
set a resolution).

************** IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ **************
Please note that this is currently an option menu, and *can* 
be changed by people who edit their own bugs. WE STRONGLY URGE YOU TO 
LEAVE THIS OPTION MENU ALONE (for obvious reasons). We want to have a 
consistent way of being able to identify when bugs have been fixed, and 
this looks like the best way to do this.

Help Files
We have also modified the help files that discuss the Statuses,
Resolutions and Target Milestones so that if you need to look at the
help, it will correspond to the actual system yoou're using. If you
happen to find a place that we might have missed, please let us know and
we will get those fixed.

Bug Workflow
Here's the workflow for the new system:

1) User submits a bug. Bugzilla automatically sets the status to 
   UNCONFIRMED, and the resolution to "---".

2) QA person looks at the bug. 
   2a) If it is just looked at but not responded to in any way, the 
        status is left as UNCONFIRMED.
   2b) If more information is needed, a comment is added to the bug 
        and the status is changed to PENDING. 
   2c) If there's enough information, an attempt to reproduce the 
        bug is made.
       2c-i)  If it can be reproduced, the status is changed to NEW 
               and it is assigned to someone to fix.
       2c-ii) If it cannot be reproduced, a comment is added to the 
               bug to ask the original submitter if they can come 
               up with another recipe (since we couldn't reproduce 
               it) and the status remains PENDING. If we ever *can* 
               reproduce it, we act as (2c-i) above. If we can 
               *never* reproduce it, we change the status to 
               RESOLVED and the resolution to CANT_REPRODUCE. The 
               Target Milestone is then set to the targetted 
               release version.
   2d) If it is a misunderstanding by the user and the bug is really 
        not a bug, the status is set to RESOLVED, and the resolution
        is set to NOT_A_BUG. The Target Milestone is then set to 
        the targetted release version.
   2e) If the bug is recognized and determined to be a duplicate of 
        an existing bug, a comment is entered pointing to the 
        duplicate, the status is set to RESOLVED, and the resolution
        is set to DUPLICATE. The Target Milestone is then set to 
        the targetted release version.

3) Bugs marked NEW are reviewed by the person to whom they were 
   assigned. If the assignee feels that they are the right person to 
   fix the bug, they change the status of the bug to ASSIGNED. If 
   the assignee feels they are *not* the right person to fix the 
   bug, the status is left as NEW, but the bug is reassigned to 
   someone else, and the new assignee does the same review.

4) Bugs marked ASSIGNED are then worked on by the assignee.
   4a) If the assignee feels more information is needed, the bug
        is left as ASSIGNED, but a comment is added to the bug
        (which will be sent back to the submitter for more info
   4b) If the assignee can't fix the bug (because it's unable to be
        fixed (for example, an OS issue), the status is changed to
        RESOLVED, and the resolution is set to ISNT_FIXABLE. The 
        Target Milestone is then set to the targetted release 
   4c) If the assignee fixes the bug, the status is changed to 
        RESOLVED, and the resolution is set to FIXED. The Target
        Milestone is then set to the targetted release version.
   4d) If the assignee determines that the bug submitted is really 
        not a bug (and the QA person thought that it *was*), a comment
        is added and the status is set to RESOLVED and the resolution
        is set to NOT_A_BUG. The Target Milestone is then set to the 
        targetted release version.
   4e) If the assignee determines that the bug submitted is a 
        duplicate of an existing bug (and the QA person didn't catch
        it), a comment is entered pointing to the duplicate, the 
        status is set to RESOLVED, and the resolution is set to 
        DUPLICATE. The Target Milestone is then set to the targetted 
        release version.

5) When a new interim build is released to the RunRev development
   team, the QA person will check the RESOLVED bugs against the new 
   build. If a bug is actually fixed, the status is set to CLOSED.

Ken Ray is new Bugzilla Maintainer
Ken has graciously agreed to help us with managing the bugs in Bugzilla,
and will be acting for a while as our QA person for the new system. As
you may already know, Ken developed RevZilla, the excellent Revolution 
front-end to Bugzilla, so he is uniquely aware of some of the structure 
and challenges in the Bugzilla system, and was fundamental in getting
above changes to the Bugzilla system designed and implemented. So don't
be surprised if you see him responding to bugs!

Now that we have a revised system where bugs can be more appropriately
categorized and dealt with, as well as someone to help manage the bugs,
you should start seeing more movement on the bugs you have already
submitted. We apologize for the slow response we've had to bugs in the
past, and are redoubling our efforts to make sure that bugs are
responded to and fixed as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions related to the changes or Bugzilla itself,
please send them to Ken (ken at runrev.com) and CC me (mark at

Thanks for your patience in reading this long email, and enjoy the new

Mark Chia ~ http://www.runrev.com/
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools

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