Random Name Generator

Robert Sabo viper4559 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 29 15:20:25 EST 2004

Hey Everyone,
I just joined this group. Seems pretty cool. Well first let me fill you in with a little background info. I am a sophmore in highschool. I am taking a computer programming class however we use a dinosour program called Turbo Pascal. Some of the features (functions, commands etc) are pretty much the same. However I just need to learn how to write it all in runrev language. 
Well here's my problem. I am trying to make a program that will allow you to input however many names you want into a list. This list will be on the bottom section where you can delete users. The middle section will contain a text area for you to input another username and the top level will run the program. This program is going to be setup to randomly output a name from the list. I got my layout already made, however I am having problems finding good help on how to script what I want to do with the username list. 
All help is welcomed, if you need more info or have anymore questions just ask,

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