resize in browse mode

Bob Hartley rev at
Sun Dec 26 18:21:10 EST 2004

Hi Ken

> > I opened a new stack, created one text field (control-e to get to the
> > script editor for the object) pasted in the code.
> >
> > Tyen I went back to browse and tried holding down ALT and dragging out the
> > field.
> >
> > It didn't resize.
>Is the field open (i.e. you can type into it)? Because I tried this with the
>field locked (the lockText is true) and it worked for me. If the field is
>open, do you need to keep it open? If so, you'll need to overlay some object
>in the "resizing" area that you want in order to be able to trap the mouse
>doing down.

Yes the field needs to be open.

It is for students to stick in text for their projects and they need the 
field to be resized so they can have many fields of different size and 
number in their card.


>Ken Ray
>Sons of Thunder Software
>Web site:
>Email: kray at
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