DreamCard Review-PCPLUS

Thomas McGrath III 3mcgrath at adelphia.net
Thu Dec 23 18:01:07 EST 2004

I cold not find issue 224 and any search with "Dreamcard" or 
"Revolution" showed up nothing.

still not clear.


On Dec 23, 2004, at 3:51 PM, webmail at xasamail.com wrote:

> Let the flames begin!!
> "Flame, flame, burning hot
> Rise up now and scorch the lot.
> Let the stench of flesh a-burning
> Leave them all with stomachs churning."
> WOW! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Looks like a lump of 
> coal in your stocking this Christmas--HO-HO-HO!
> If  "issue 224" isn't sufficient to clue you in to it being a 
> publication of some type, you might as well just skip over the whole 
> post. You could have spent your time doing a Google search rather than 
> ranting at me. I stand by my statement in the prior post: "I would 
> think if you can figure out DreamCard/Revolution, you should most 
> certainly be able to determine how and where to find the review from 
> the specific details given." I suspect from your rant that you wear 
> blinders to all things non-Mac. Doesn't a title like PCPLUS tip you 
> off this must be non-mac oriented?
> As for the purpose, no point in even commenting on that, because 
> people (hmm, looks like your are a good example)  on this list distort 
> things so much that even when purpose is  stated, a wide selection of 
> interpretations abound. So, take it and put whatever spin YOU feel 
> like--negative, neutral, positive--no matter.
> webmailman
>> Stephen Barncard said:
> Well, Mr. Attitude, PCPLUS sounds like a product- is it a magazine, 
> newspaper, whatever?? - I've never heard of it and certainly never 
> read it. Also it's hard to figure if you posted this to slam Rev? Was 
> the 'smell the coffee' part yours or in the quoted article?
> So no, the source, purpose and meaning of the post is NOT clear.
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Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234

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