positioning the cursor

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Tue Dec 21 14:57:37 EST 2004

Hi Martin,

>> Hershel Fisch wrote:
>> on keyUp
>>   put  the cursor after fld "abc"
>> end keyUp
>> what happens is the on every time the keyUp is triggered then the char
>> that is typed into the fld a number "8" follows.
>> what is that , and how do eliminate it?
> 8 is the id of the browse cursor, so maybe that's what is being 
> appended to
> the field

Ahhhhh, yes, sure, makes sense!

I didn't realize that the code snippet was a "real" one :-)

S8u8r8p8r8i8s8e8,8 8 s8u8r8p8r8i8s8e8! :-D

> Martin Baxter

Best from germany

Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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