Newbies looking for documentation
gwalias-rev at
Mon Dec 20 22:37:44 EST 2004
Dear Revolutionaries (particularly fellow rev newbies)
I was trawling around the rev website and I happened
to read an article I had previously glossed over - the
one about moving to rev from C++ or Java environments.
I was never particularly fond of either of these
languages - learning C++ from a book is about as much
fun as having root canal work and Java's "write once
run anywhere" rang as true as "a lone gunman shooting
from the book depository" (more goddam' flavors than
Baskin-Robbins). When I finally read the article
however, I found that it contained a really useful
overview of rev and there were some particularly juicy
tidbits that are not apparent from the built-in docs
that come with rev.
Here's the juiciest - I didn't know that rev functions
could be called with an indeterminate number of
parameters and that you could then use the 'param',
'paramCount' and 'params' keywords to process them.
Here's a little example I immediately wrote to try
this out - and it works ...
function bigadd
put 0 into total
repeat with thisParam = 1 to the paramCount
put total + param(thisParam) into total
end repeat
return total
end bigadd
This function will add up a string of numbers of
indeterminate length and return the total.
The article I am referring to is at:
This was really helpful to me and I am reporting this
experience here because someone on the list was asking
about sources of rev learning material. Speaking for
myself, I would love to hear of other users minor (or
major) rev epiphanies - perhaps we could save them
into some kind of HOWTO list that could supplement
the current sources of rev info.
I have to say that I like Transcript more and more,
the more I learn about it.
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