testing for Internet connection

Mark Brownell gizmotron at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 18 21:19:06 EST 2004

On Saturday, December 18, 2004, at 12:49 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Variants of that seem to be the most commonly-used method, but the 
> counter-argument that's been raised here is that there's no way to 
> differentiate between a transaction that fails because of the lack of 
> a connection and one caused by an error from the server -- is there?
> --
>  Richard Gaskin

I check for error also:

   if theStatus contains "error" then
     --  answer "...oops! Something didn't work" -- for testing
     unload URL xAdv
     exit myProgressX
   end if
   if theStatus contains "timeout" then
     unload URL xAdv
     exit myProgressX
   end if

if the status contains "downloaded" then I exit the progress
handler before it can throw an error:

     set the thumbPosition of scrollbar "prog1"  to 0
     unload URL xAdv
     exit myProgressX

This prevents me from dealing with the occasional error message that 
sometimes gets through after a download. So if error then set a global 
condition until a download does test positive at a later testing.


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