Word keyword

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at cogapp.com
Wed Dec 15 17:04:19 EST 2004

on 15/12/04 9:11 pm, Erik Hansen wrote
> what is a "hard space"?

AKA "non breaking space".  It's a character which is not a space, but has no
black pixels.  It's nothing to do with Rev - it was invented early in
word-processing - it looks like a space on the printed page, but
line-breaking code doesn't realise it isn't a normal character, so it
doesn't break the line.

On the Mac, you've traditionally entered it using option-space; in HTML,
it's represented by  .

Basically, it's a venerable hack.  And if you think that's bad, Unicode has
reserved another code point to represent a "zero-width non-breaking space".
I really don't know what purpose that serves!

  Ben Rubinstein               |  Email: benr_mc at cogapp.com
  Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600
  http://www.cogapp.com        |  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

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