parsing comments in scripts
Frank D. Engel, Jr.
fde101 at
Wed Dec 15 09:19:23 EST 2004
Yeah, I considered that contiguous-comment thing too for a time, but
there is another issue here:
Consider this code:
--Hi, I am a comment!
on mouseUp
unhilite me
end mouseUp
on mouseDown
hilite me
end mouseDown
Not a particularly useful script, but notice the lack of blank lines
between the handlers? Now run the comment-script thing on the first
----Hi, I am a comment!
--on mouseUp
-- unhilite me
--end mouseUp
on mouseDown
hilite me
end mouseDown
And now, with the first one commented out, on the second as well:
------Hi, I am a comment!
----on mouseUp
---- unhilite me
----end mouseUp
--on mouseDown
-- hilite me
--end mouseDown
Do we begin to see the problem here? From this stage, how do you
uncomment the *first* handler (mouseUp)?
As for 'range comments', yeah, that's okay until you try to comment out
a handler which already contains a 'range comment':
on mouseUp
/* read this please */
hide me
end mouseUp
/* on mouseUp
/* read this please */
hide me
end mouseUp */
I suspect what would happen here is for Rev to interpret the comment as
beginning at /* on mouseUp and ending with please */, then
complaining about 'hide me'... not being in a handler, 'end mouseUp'
which would end a handler which never started, and the extra
*/, which would terminate a comment which never got started.
Any attempt to implement this functionality will result in a 'best
guess' approach.
You can decrease the likelihood of a problem by using unlikely
character sequences to delimit the start and end of the handler, then
watching for those when uncommenting the handler:
on mouseUp
hide me
end mouseUp
--on mouseUp
-- hide me
--end mouseUp
Now the reversal function has something definite to look for.
On Dec 15, 2004, at 5:11 AM, Ben Rubinstein wrote:
> Alex Tweedly wrote:
>> If you want the editor to have an "uncomment the entire handler"
>> command,
>> then it's going to need to look into comments, to see whether or not
>> removing the leading comment indicator would leave a line which could
>> then
>> be a start / finish of a handler. Doesn't seem too bad to me - but I
>> know
>> there were concerns about the interpreter (now the editor) looking at
>> comments and guessing about their meaning.
> Two possible solutions here (I didn't say either were pretty):
> * 'Comment Handler' finds the start and end of the handler that the
> insertion point lies in; and extends this range of lines to
> incorporate any
> contiguous comment lines. It then adds "-- " to the start of every
> line in
> this range. Hence:
> -- a comment about foo
> --
> on foo x
> -- put x into it
> get x
> end foo
> becomes
> -- -- a comment about this
> -- --
> -- on foo x
> -- -- put x into it
> -- get x
> -- end foo
> 'Uncomment Handler' then takes the contiguous range of commented lines
> round
> the insertion point, and removes the initial "-- " from each one - thus
> restoring previous comments as they were.
> * we've got range comments now, /* */. So 'Comment Handler' could
> work like
> this:
> -- a comment about foo
> --
> /* on foo x
> -- put x into it
> get x
> end foo */
> Then 'Uncomment Handler' searches up and down from the insertion point
> for
> some pretty easily recognised patterns: "/* on <label>" or "/* function
> <label>" up, and "end <label> */" down. If these don't match, or it
> finds
> strange variants out of order, then it does the best it can or gives
> up and
> leaves the user to figure it out. (I don't know whether /* */ comments
> nest; if not then Comment Handler should disable internal occurences,
> eg
> changing to "/--*" and "*--/", and Uncomment Handler reverse this.)
> Whatever, I do think the concept that 'junk' should be acceptable
> outside a
> handler is a dangerous hangover, and should be abandoned. I used to
> take
> advantage of this in HyperCard too (I stored data in scripts, since
> they
> were effectively the only properties available for all objects) but
> switched
> with relief to using custom properties in MC/Rev. Since there's now a
> real
> issue (the fact that some statements from inside a 'commented' handler
> can
> take effect outside the handler) and we have range comments anyway, the
> worst that we're asking people to do, even if no additional
> conveniences are
> provided in the script editor, is find the bottom of their handler to
> add
> the close comment there.
> How about we just request a simpler Script Editor enhancement - jump
> to end
> of current handler?
> Ben Rubinstein | Email: benr_mc at
> Cognitive Applications Ltd | Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600
> | Fax : +44 (0)1273-728866
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Frank D. Engel, Jr. <fde101 at>
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