No mouseUp
Dick Kriesel
dick.kriesel at
Tue Dec 14 19:42:36 EST 2004
On 12/13/04 11:39 AM, "Roger Guay" <irog at> wrote:
> I have the following script in a List field and the mouseUp handler
> doesn't work! I noticed that it is the "set the dragData" line in the
> mouseDown that disables the mouseUp. Can someone please tell me what's
> going on and how I can keep the mouseUp?
> on mouseDown
> get the hilitedLines of me
> set the dragData to line it of me
> end mouseDown
> on mouseUp
> beep 2
> end mouseUp
If you paste the following into the script of your list field, and then
drag, you can see in the message box what messages fire when.
(After you paste, you may need to delete the extra linefeeds that email line
wrapping causes.)
on mouseDown
if the clickLine is empty then
put param(0) & return
put param(0) && the clickLine & ": " & the value of the clickLine &
set the dragData["text"] to the value of the clickLine
end if
end mouseDown
on mouseUp
if the clickLine is empty then
put param(0) & return after msg
put param(0) && the clickLine & ": " & the dragData["text"] & return
after msg
end if
end mouseUp
on dragDrop
put word 2 of the clickLine into tMouseDownLineNumber
put word 2 of the mouseLine into tMouseUpLineNumber
put param(0) && "from line" && tMouseDownLineNumber && "onto line" &&
tMouseUpLineNumber & return after msg
if tMouseUpLineNumber < tMouseDownLineNumber then -- note: moving up
delete line tMouseDownLineNumber of me
put the dragData["text"] & return before line tMouseUpLineNumber of me
else if tMouseUpLineNumber > tMouseDownLineNumber then -- note: moving
put return & the dragData["text"] after line tMouseUpLineNumber of me
delete line tMouseDownLineNumber of me
else if tMouseUpLineNumber is empty then -- note: moving past the last
delete line tMouseDownLineNumber of me
put return & the dragData["text"] after me
put "it appears to be a click on line" && tMouseDownLineNumber & return
after msg
end if
if the last char of me is return then put "last line is empty" & return
after msg
set the acceptDrop to "false"
end dragDrop
on dragEnd
put param(0) && the clickLine & ": " & the dragData["text"] & return after
end dragEnd
on dragEnter
put param(0) && the clickLine & ": " & the dragData["text"] & return after
set the acceptDrop to "true"
end dragEnter
on dragLeave
put param(0) && the clickLine & ": " & the dragData["text"] & return after
end dragLeave
HTH. Does it?
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