Connecting to PostGreSQL on same machine: Mac OSX

Pierre Sahores psahores at
Mon Dec 13 19:35:11 EST 2004

Hi Katir, Frank,...

Here are the pg conf files set of my OSX development box (PWB G4 1Ghz, 
768 Mo RAM, OSX 10.3.6) :

-------------- next part --------------

Best Regards, Pierre

Le 13 d?c. 04, ? 19:45, Sivakatirswami a ?crit :

> Frank, thanks for your patient responses
> Still no go..
> katir:~ postgres$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data 
> -l logfile restart
> nothing happens, activity monitor doesn't show any start postgres 
> processes started.
> So, I'm stumped at this moment.
> Is there some other log that will tell give us any useful feed back on 
> what is happening.
> Pierre:  Yes, I suppose I could  do a complete re-install, but, since 
> two days ago I *was* able to start the server and all that I did in 
> the interim was to "touch" the pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf files, 
> I *really* would like to fix this "manually" so that I get a grip on 
> the issues and not simply "quit" and start over again.  though, if 
> there is no definitive diagnostic then I may have not choice...
> In the meantime I'm logging into our new server in Connecticutt where 
> Postgres is running just fine and going through the tutorials via 
> ssh...  creating test data bases and doing my "homework." (I'll have 
> more to ask you about the rev ap server you installed after I get a 
> little deeper into it...)
> So, not having it running on my own machine is not a show stopper, 
> just a nuisance.. normally I would be doing this kind of  R & D during 
> hours when I am off line... now I have to do it during on-line hours= 
> "eats my day job time." i.e. the time when I should be working on web 
> design, content and team coordination etc.
> Pierre, perhaps you could email me off list your own pg_hba.conf and 
> postgresql.conf files that you are using on your OSX machine, I would 
> install those and see if it works
> Thanks!
> Sivakatirswami
> Himalayan Academy Publications
> at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
> katir at
> On Dec 13, 2004, at 7:18 AM, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:
>> This is trying to connect to PostgreSQL through a UNIX domain socket 
>> rather than TCP/IP.  This should still be working, but if not, try a 
>> command like this:
>> psql -h <hostname> -U <username> dbname
>>> So, no I cannot even start up the server at all.
>> Did you check the activity monitor again to see if it was running or 
>> not?  The above given error message is a connectivity problem, any 
>> does not necessarily mean that the server is not running.
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