parsing comments in scripts
b.xavier at
Fri Dec 10 12:20:40 EST 2004
It may not be the fastest but its been quite reliable.
This is the comment stripper for Transcriptolator.
It removes the comments and THEN puts them back (optional...)
It works line be line...
hope it helps...
-- Comments Handlers
-- a comment stripper rejoiner
-- made to prevent comments translation
-- left locally for local variable usage
local commentdata
on ClearLineComments
put empty into commentdata["handler"]
put empty into commentdata["comment"]
put false into commentdata["has2ndcomment"]
put empty into commentdata["comment2"]
put true into commentdata["commentfinished"]
end ClearLineComments
function StripComments aline
local a,b
local has2ndcomment,acomment2
-- clean up aline
repeat while char 1 of aline is " "
delete char 1 of aline
end repeat
repeat while char -1 of aline is " "
delete char -1 of aline
end repeat
put offset("/*",aline) into a
put offset("*/",aline) into b
if a > 0 then
if b > 0 then
put true into commentdata["commentfinished"]
get char a to b+1 of aline
delete char a to b+1 of aline
put false into commentdata["commentfinished"]
get char a to -1 of aline
delete char a to -1 of aline
end if
put it into acomment
else if commentdata["commentfinished"] is false then
if b<0 then
-- middle of a comment
put aline into acomment
put empty into aline
-- end of comment
if b>0 then
put char 1 to b+1 of aline into acomment
if length(aline)>b+1 then
put char b+2 to -1 of aline into aline
end if
delete char 1 to b+1 of aline
put true into commentdata["commentfinished"]
end if
end if
end if
put offset("//",aline) into a
if a > 0 and offset("*/",aline) < a then
put true into commentdata["commentfinished"]
get char a to -1 of aline
delete char a to -1 of aline
put true into has2ndcomment
-- finally
if has2ndcomment is false then
put it into acomment
put false into has2ndcomment
put it into acomment2
put true into has2ndcomment
end if
-- this part is commented since this code was meant
-- for not xtalk languages. untested...
-- else
-- -- search for -- comments
-- put offset("--",aline) into a
-- if a > 0 then
-- get char a to -1 of aline
-- delete char a to -1 of aline
-- put true into has2ndcomment
-- -- finally
-- if has2ndcomment is false then
-- put it into acomment
-- put false into has2ndcomment
-- else
-- put it into acomment2
-- put true into has2ndcomment
-- end if
-- end if
end if
repeat while char 1 of aline is " "
delete char 1 of aline
end repeat
repeat while char -1 of aline is " "
delete char -1 of aline
end repeat
put aline into commentdata["handler"]
repeat while char 1 of acomment is " "
delete char 1 of acomment
end repeat
repeat while char -1 of acomment is " "
delete char -1 of acomment
end repeat
put acomment into commentdata["comment"]
get has2ndcomment is true
repeat while char 1 of acomment2 is " "
delete char 1 of acomment2
end repeat
repeat while char -1 of acomment2 is " "
delete char -1 of acomment2
end repeat
put it into commentdata["has2ndcomment"]
if it then put acomment2 into commentdata["comment2"]
return aline
end StripComments
function linewocomments
-- return statement without comments
return commentdata["handler"]
end linewocomments
function LineComments
get commentdata["has2ndcomment"]
if it then
get commentdata["comment"] && commentdata["comment2"]
get commentdata["comment"]
end if
return it
end LineComments
function RestoreOrigComments
local thisline,linecomment
get commentdata["handler"] into thisline
put LineComments() into linecomment
if linecomment is empty then return thisline
else return thisline && linecomment
end RestoreOrigComments
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