Windows standalone two handlers separated

Andrew alw918 at
Wed Dec 8 01:47:51 EST 2004

I've got another clue about why my windows standalone is not working.  
Okay, my script into two halves-- one in the card script and one in the 
script of a button.  At the end if the card script section it says
send parttwo to card button "instructions"

...And I made sure to put all of the relevant local variables (only 1) 
into a global variable, so that it could be accessed in the script of 
the card button "instructions".

However, It seems as though my standalone is only running the card 
script section, and then not going to the script of cd btn 
"instructions".  Is there any known error that Windows standalones have 
with, as in this case, one handler calling a handler that's located 

btw: unrelated thing: if I have a wav file in my stack, how do I
a. find out how big it is
b. delete it?

Thanks  :)

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