Animation Tool

Troy Rollins troy at
Sat Dec 4 17:13:27 EST 2004

On Dec 4, 2004, at 4:45 PM, Gordon wrote:

> Looking through this documentation, I was reading
> about an "Animation Tool" in the "Tools" menu, but I
> don't see it in the menu. Is this feature an extra I
> have to pay for? How do I use the revPlayAnimation
> command? What does it do exactly?

It is a no longer supported feature, which was supposed to let you do 
timeline-style authoring (sort of like Flash or Director.)

I think the stack is still distributed with the package somehow, but it 
tended to act a bit flaky, and most people abandoned it for some 
solution of their own.

Last I heard, RunRev had plans to produce something more up-to-date to 
replace it, but I imagine that isn't all that high on the development 
list. Unless you specifically need that sort of thing, I wouldn't get 
too caught up with it. And if you do, I still wouldn't get too caught 
up with it, since it really didn't function very well - which is the 
reason RunRev felt it wasn't up to the standards of the rest of the 
product and removed it from the line-up - at least for now.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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