Cross platform search database

Jesse Sng jsng at
Sat Dec 4 08:32:34 EST 2004


I would like to build a cross platform app that would be shipped on a 
CD-ROM that contains a whole collection of html files.

Previously, we had to depend on a Java applet, but that had all sorts 
of problems with XP and also OS X and works on certain browsers only. 
I would like to abandon that and use Revolution as the engine if 

My question is this: What would be the best approach to building this?

I did have some preliminary code to recursively decend down a series 
of folders and then the general idea would be to load up the text 
into cards and allow text searching on those cards?

My understanding from some of the previous discussions is that the 
entire stack is loaded into memory and that would mean that the more 
content there is, the more memory would be required for that.

Are there any other approaches to this? Can a stack keep most of its 
data on the hard disk and still be searchable for its text?

I don't have a problem with keeping the redundant text inside 
Revolution stacks. My goal in the long term is to do away with the 
html files totally (lots of legacy files) and to have everything 
presented from within Revolution itself.

The goal is to allow text searching, which will show up a bunch of 
hits in a window and a scrolling list and then allow the user to 
click on one of those choices and then launch back into the browser 
window to see the actual file.

I would appreciate it if there are any pointers or suggestions as to 
how to best go about doing this.

In the old days of Hypercard and Supercard, it would have been a 
matter of just throwing everything into individual cards on a stack 
and the stack contents are paged from the hard drive. If everything 
is preloaded into memory in Revolution, then I might have a problem 
ultimately as the contents grow before I am able to make a full 
transition a cd-rom that's entirely done using Revolution.

Jesse Sng

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