Bugzilla nr. 1032

tuviah snyder tuviah at runrev.com
Fri Aug 27 03:10:41 EDT 2004

>Try this: Make a button 128 pixels square. Give it a big icon (I used
>803). Then:

>set the margins of btn 1 to 40
>set the topmargin of btn 1 to 60
>set the textcolor of btn 1 to "blue"
>set the textstyle of btn 1 to "bold"
>set the textsize of btn 1 to 20

>On my Mac, I get a blue label over the picture (not behind it) and the
>icon is vertically centered (well, close. Play with the numbers.)
Seems that we need vertical alignment (verticalalignment, valignment
property) options (bottom, top, centered) which get applied regardless of
the image. This is the easiest way. We would also need to make
horizontalalignment, halignment do alignment does now.


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