Faceless apps in OS X - FYI

Devin Asay devin_asay at byu.edu
Wed Aug 25 13:25:34 EDT 2004

Ken Ray has this tip posted on his Web Site 


  To hide an application process in OS X, open the Info.plist file in 
the Contents folder of the application package. Add this to the <dict> 
section (it doesn't seem to matter where):


  Doing this will remove the process from the Dock, and from any menus 
that list active (visible) processes. To show it again, you can either 
put in a 0 instead of a 1 for the <key>, or you can remove the whole 

--end quote

I tried it and it didn't work, then I noticed in the mail list archive 
that this apparently was broken in Panther. I searched Apple Developer 
web site and discovered that the name of the key has been changed to 

So insert the following to create a faceless application (one that 
doesn't appear in Force Quit list or in Dock):

<key> LSUIElement </key>

It's best to use the Property List Editor application to do this rather 
than a text editor.


Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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