Windows MIDI conversion question

Erik Hansen erikhans08 at
Wed Aug 18 17:21:21 EDT 2004

--- "Ken Norris (dialup)"
<pixelbird at> wrote:

> >> we (I) desperately need Shakobox for
> Windows.
>  somehow figure out timing for playback,

ay, there's the rub.

> What is it, exactly, that you want to do? Why
> can't you just create MIDI
> files with one of the softwares available for
> Windows and incorporate them
> into your stacks?

my graphics need to be precisely coordinated
with the music. at least to the measure, if not
the beat. tempo can change within a composition.
this is dance choreography which is in lockstep
with the music.

right now i am getting an extra 17 milliseconds
for each repeat in the pendingmessages

on andale
  put 0 into counter
  repeat with 1 = pStart to pEnd
     put (counter * 1000) into tSpeed
     send "setDancers i" to me in tSpeed
     add 1 to counter
  end repeat
end andale

exact sound and motion coordination is
an absolute must. nightmares about moving
to director... Scott Rossi said something about
using Flash within RR, but hopefully it can all
be done here.

Thank You,

Erik Hansen

erik at

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