Educational uses for Rev

Wolfgang M.Bereuter wmb at
Sun Aug 15 15:59:54 EDT 2004

On 15.08.2004, at 04:19, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> If you need to embarass 'em you can wait till they say that at a 
> meeting
> and point out that Visual Basic was prototyped on a Mac using SuperCard
> (heard it from a Microsoft employee).

Is that true?

Wolfgang M. Bereuter

TrainingsmapsĀ© -- speedlearning with Mindmaps!
INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
wmb at
Tel: ++43/1/ 961 0418 Fax: ++43/1/ 479 2539

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