Cross platform fonts question

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Thu Aug 12 22:33:07 EDT 2004

Hi All,

While we are talking about fonts, would some Linux person please fill 
me in on whether they have these fonts and if not, what is the closest 
thing in the Linux world. I don't know if this varies with distribution 
and GUI so I may be asking an impossible question.

Sans serif: Verdana
Serif: Times or Times New Roman

Fixed width:
Sans serif: Monaco
Serif: Courier or Courier New

I use these four fonts almost exclusively although I try to avoid 
Monaco if possible because it isn't a Windows font. I don't like 
FixedSys, so if any Windows person has an idea of a fixed width sans 
serif font that works well in small sizes, I'd love to know. (XP only)


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