question about httpProxy prop.

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Mon Aug 9 17:03:52 EDT 2004

Hi Folks,

I am having trouble with http connections with a project of mine. I 
just discovered that my client uses a Proxy and I am using a http 
"tunnel" for my DB calls. Is it possible that the proxy might be 
cacheing the answers thus responding with out of date results? When I 
set the httpProxy property to a proxy, does it last till the engine 
closes or it reverts to empty after handler finishes?

It's strange for I tested this program in 6 machines, in friends houses 
with DSL, in other companies and there, on their machine lab, it does 
not work... or worse, it works in some machines and it doesn't in 
others... very strange.


Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð BRAZIL

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