Suppressing Save Dialogue - How do I do it?

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Sun Aug 8 11:32:56 EDT 2004

--- Jim Carwardine
<JimCarwardine at> wrote:
> I went to find the Rev archives just now and
> discovered that apparently they
> are no longer available.  Is that true? 

If you mean Alex Rice's search cgi at ;
yes that resource seems to have been retired ; I do
hope someone at Runtime Revolution HQ talks to Alex to
try and resurrect the service at the

> In either case, I was looking for a
> way to suppress the Save dialogue when I save a
> stack under script control.
> Anyone know of a way?  Rev doesn't seem to have a
> "no dialogue" script
> element.  Jim

Well I'm not sure how you could prevent it from
showing up inside the IDE ; however, it shouldn't show
up in your standalones, so why do you want to make
sure it doesn't show up ?

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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