The sky is falling... [was Re: Is Rev too "Mac focused"?]

Troy Rollins troy at
Sun Aug 8 02:39:47 EDT 2004

On Aug 8, 2004, at 2:29 AM, Chipp Walters wrote:

> Forgive my ignorance on this topic, but just so I understand. Does 
> Director and Real Basic 'use' ActiveX tree controls, data grids, etc? 
> If so, are they 'embedded' in the app with full access to properties 
> and methods and instancing via script control? If so, WOW. Do you know 
> of any examples of these in use?

Both those apps have almost no limits with regard to what controls are 
available to them, other than the fact that they are generally "Direct 
to screen" meaning they don't get rendered into the graphics buffer, 
but "ride on top" of the app. Based on stuff I've seen, I would assume 
that data grids would be within the scope, yes. All the stuff Ken 
mentioned and more...

I've seen examples of lots of ActiveX use in Director, but personally, 
I generally use Xtras instead since they allow me to author on Mac. It 
is really in Rev where I see their value, since the Xtras (externals) 
just aren't there to be had.

WOW is about right.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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