Is Rev too "Mac focused"?

Ken Ray kray at
Sat Aug 7 17:25:18 EDT 2004

On 8/7/04 1:39 PM, "Cubist at" <Cubist at> wrote:

>    Now that I've got that out of my system: What things do you PC boys find
> lacking in the PC implementation of Rev?

Here's a couple of goodies:

1) Inability to use ActiveX or COM controls (although with Chipp's
altBrowser you can use them in a web browser, but that's different).

2) Inability to call the Windows API (something which almost every PC-based
development environment is able to do - RealBasic, VB, etc.).

3) Inability to call "normal" (i.e. not developed specifically for Rev)

Until a couple of these items are addressed (specifically the API calls),
Rev really can't swim in the "big pond". There are other more "niggly" items
I can think of, but if these three were implemented, we could use those
avenues to deal with those situations. For example:

- Displaying notification icons (the ballooon in the system tray)

- Being able to create new registry keys in the Windows registry

- Ability to call VBScript as easily as AppleScript ("do <script> as

You get the idea...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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