New version of Revolution, Same standalone problems

Ken Ray kray at
Wed Aug 4 02:18:12 EDT 2004

On 8/4/04 12:36 AM, "Andrew" <alw918 at> wrote:

> Hello, kind and smart people of the Revolution list.  I wonder if you
> could lend me a hand with a little head-scratching puzzler of a problem
> that I've been experiencing.
> When I create standalones, I'm getting problems with both Windows and
> Mac versions.
> The Windows standalone works except that it doesn't seem to recognize
> my Keyup handler (or Keydown for that matter).
> The Mac standalone doesn't work at all.  When I double-click to open
> it, it just does nothing.


Nothing personal, but you're asking us to download and run an executable...
not to sound paranoid, but I don't know too many people who'll take you up
on the offer... perhaps you can post your .rev stack and we can build our
own standalones and test it?


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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