Advise on enterprize application.

Pierre Sahores psahores at
Tue Aug 3 04:18:14 EDT 2004

Hello Andre,

I will answer to your post tonight. In short, the way is to have all 
your stuff binded to the standard Apache's 80 port trought sockets 
translators/listeners able to use the 80 port to provide the 
requests/replies over the web and to have your server-sided Rev apps 
connectables to the Apache default port from they own private/protected 
(> 1024) port. I use, for my own, a 10 lines .PHP script as the sockets 
translator. You can find it in searching the archives.

Because lots to do until 21 PM, more detals tonight :)


Le 2 aožt 04, ˆ 22:36, Andre Garzia a Žcrit :

> Hi Folks,
> I was hired to build a simple app here in brazil, I should take care 
> of managing contacts and projects for a small company. As a common 
> practice here in the country, they changed the project as the game was 
> going and now the only thing it doesn't do is to babysit the CEO 
> daughter, but okay, I could cope with the spec changes, it's just a 
> huge db anway. Now the sky has fallen, they want their app to talk to 
> the other franchise apps, meaning theres a company here at Rio de 
> Janeiro, another at Sao Paulo and yet another at Porto Alegre, and 
> they want to exchange data, they want the program to run everywhere 
> and they've got lot's of firewalls since they are inside a university.
> I was going like this, client app in Rev, MySQL running in a server, 
> everyone access the server. This ain't working!!!! They can't open 
> connections to the server running at my ISP, I can, I tested it in 
> three machines on different networks.... they can't change their 
> firewalls policies and they want to share data!!!!
> I am now thinking in doing the other way, I make the server using my 
> webserver stack and valentina, and they access it by the web, they can 
> pass thru the firewall to do webrequests... but that's ugly I hate 
> deploying apps using web interface. It's just simple DBs with 6 tables 
> and couple joins... should be easy!!!!
> I look forward to some advise for I must deliver this yesterday, and 
> they just phoned to say that the other companies will use the program, 
> that's why I am in a hurry... that's also the money that should take 
> me to malta. And since they are publishing and marketing company they 
> know nothing of IT they think that for them to use an app and for 
> outside-of-lan-ambient people to use the same app is trivial.... 
> hell!!!!! firewalls!!! fake IPs!!!!!!
> anyone here got an advise or idea, I am begining again from the 
> scratch so any advise is good.
> andre
> PS: and if I tell I need more time, they just dump me and use another 
> contractant.... pretty cool ain't it.
> -- 
> Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
> Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL
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Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

psahores+ at

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WEB/EAI services & ACID DB over IP
"Mutualiser les deltas de productivitŽ"

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