Auto Full Screen for presentations

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami katir at
Sun Aug 1 14:48:03 EDT 2004

Some applications like Power Point, DVD players Acrobat automatically 
fill the entire screen if you open a presentation, regardless of the 
resolution of the monitor. If there is an aspect ratio to be maintained 
the unused areas of the overly long screen dimension are set to black.

I've never tried to make this happen with my revolution apps, as, 
personally I didn't think it was a good idea and since I work on a 21 
inch apple cinema display filling the entire screen seemed a bit over 

I've always stuck with hiding the desk top.

But some presenters  expect this behavior (auto use entire screen), if 
they have to give a class to children or make a presentation to a 
board, they just expect to boot up the application and viola the entire 
screen is taken up.  And I have noticed that on some windows machines 
the physical screen is just a standard 12" desktop screen but the 
resolution is set to 1152 X 720 (my goodness how any one can read 
anything in that environment is beyond me!) and, my presentation if set 
to to 800 X 600 appears pretty small in the center of the screen. 
Asking them to adjust the display properties to 800 X 600 just makes 
eyes roll and besides it tends to ruin the look... because the monitor 
is optimized for a higher resolution and changing the monitor 
resolution can wreck the pixels...? I really don't understand it very 

How do we do this in Revolution? What are the caveats? Don't some 
graphics get "blown" when being oversized from their original? What is 
Power Point doing behind the scenes to keep everything looking good if 
it boots into a super high resolution-huge screen space?

I suspect  someone already has a set of pre-open stack handlers that 
does this job across all platforms, if so, could you share those with 
us? Along with the usual set of warnings about what not to do...


Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Himalayan Academy Publications
at Kauai's Hindu Monastery
katir at,

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