use-revolution Digest, Vol 7, Issue 169
Ray G. Miller
rgmiller at
Wed Apr 28 13:59:25 EDT 2004
Jacque said yesterday:
" On a Mac,
however, buttons cannot receive focus and the first editable field will
receive focus instead. On Macs, you have to use a hack -- either make
sure none of your fields are focusable, or else hide an editable field
offscreen somewhere whose layer is set to 1. Then that hidden field gets
the focus and your card looks untouched."
However, if you do that, the user will eventually tab into the unseen field and wonder where the focus is.
This must be problem with the current version of RR. In MC, "openField" does not generate a "dirty" stack message.
Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
MailTo:rgmiller at
(V) 510.530.1971
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