Problem installing cgi engine [was : ANN: CGI tutorial online]

jbv jbv.silences at
Wed Apr 28 11:49:42 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I'm having a problem installing the Rev cgi engine on a
Linus RedHat 9 / Apache box.
I actually did the installation of earlier MC cgi engines
1 or 2 years ago, and everything went fine (and even
built a few complete websites around these engines
without any major problem).

I'm following step-by-step the online tutorial :

1) download the Linux engine from this URL :

2) unzip the file, renamed it "revolution" and upload it to the server

3) set the permissions to 755 (also tried with 777)

4) built the "Hello world" test script (with Unix carriage
returns), upload it to the cgi-bin and set the permissions to 755
(and also 777)

5) before that, checked the 1st line of the script : #!revolution

And nevertheless I get a 500 server error with the following URL :

Meanwhile, in the same cgi-bin, I have another cgi test file (with 1st
line : #!/bin/sh) that works fine :

So I have the feeling the problem comes from the engine...

BTW, when I unzip the archive, I get 3 files :
should these 2 other files be uploaded to the cgi-bin as well ?

Last but not least, I am downloading and unzipping the engine on
(and uploading it from) Mac OS9 (don't have any Linux box at hand
right now)... Could this be a problem ? In the past, I did download
and unzip the windows engine several times and built windows
standalones on Mac without any problem...

Any idea ?


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