OS X screen saver - somewhat off topic

David Vaughan dvk at dvkconsult.com.au
Tue Apr 27 03:01:05 EDT 2004

On 27/04/2004, at 16:40, Sarah Reichelt <sarahr at genesearch.com.au> 
> Like the AppleScript, it works fine so long as the screen saver time 
> limit hasn't been reached, now to test if it has.
> For anyone who is interested, the script is slightly different to the 
> one Andre suggested:
>   get shell("ps -auxc | grep " & quote & "ScreenSaverE" & quote)
>   if it is empty then exit to top
>   put word 2 of it into pID
>   get shell ("kill " & pID)


If it works, then Transcript now supports the kill command for OS X, 
including nominating the signal type (including 9). You are sending sig 
1 or 15 (I forget which) in the above.

> Many thanks,
> Sarah

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