Copying .app file and preserving icon

Monte Goulding monte at
Sun Apr 25 21:08:36 EDT 2004

>I'm afraid that didn't work for me either - - - it yielded the
>same result
>as revCopyFile and revCopyFolder - - - it did successfully copy
>the file to the
> desktop, but rendered it useless and lost the icon.
>Anyone have luck trying this?
>1)  Make a standalone applescript application
Ah.. I haven't used it for this. Do OS X applescript applications have
resource forks?
>2)  Paste a custom icon onto it.
I believe this method of adding an icon uses the resource fork and this is
why your loosing it. I'd suggest using the PLIST and saving your icons as
.icns files inside the resources folder.
>3)  Try copying it to your desktop using revCopyFile,
>revCopyFolder,  or the
>undocumented revCopyPackage.

Unless your on MacOS these commands use shell scritps that don't copy over
resource forks.

>4)  See if the Applescript application is still usable, and see if
>it  still
>contains your icon.

I don't know about applescript applications so can't comment here. But again
I suggest you check the resource fork. You may want to just use the
applescript copy package command instead???



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