doing trial periods [registration number demo stack]

Malte Brill malte.brill at
Sun Apr 25 08:55:30 EDT 2004

I overlooked something in the stack...

the script of the second button should read:

on mouseUp
  set the caseSensitive to true
##check the other fields!!
  get generatePass (fld "theName2",fld "license2")
##add the or part!!!
  if it<>fld "nummer2" or it="failed" then
    answer "Sorry! Code is wrong. :-("
  answer "Hoooooray! You are registred"
  end if
   set the caseSensitive to false
end mouseUp

Sorry, I uploaded too fast. <g>.


>The registration number creator stack is online.

>go stack url ""

>or download


>It´s all just some string manipulation. Nothing too special. ;-)



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