How do I Create a Custom Property, part 19,214,651

Klaus Major klaus at
Wed Apr 21 15:15:51 EDT 2004

Hi David,

this one might be of interest to other listers, too!
So please join in again ;-)

> ...
>> But how comes the empty line 4 into play???
>> The linecount is 3 but there are (proven) 4 lines in the field???
> Well to me there are 3 lines in the LIST (not sure what is the the 
> field) and as
> most of what I've tested in RR seems to work and return a line count 
> of 3, so it
> seems to me that the place to change it is in a *field*, not in a 
> "Line List".
> What happens if you ask for the number of lines in the *field*, does 
> it return 3 or 4?


> What happens if you put the (unchanged) field back into a new 
> "LineList" and ask for the line count?


But now the puzzling part:

This is in fld 1 (the result of your script)

line3 empty line 4!!!

Now, if i:
"set the yadda of this cd to fld 1"

i have a customproperty "yadda" with
4 (FOUR) lines and the last one is empty, just like the field...

But if i:
"set the customkeys of this cd to fld 1"

i will end with 3 "THREE" customkeys and NOT with an empty one as I 
really exspected!!!

This is, in fact, a bit disturbing, to say at least, since our whole 
discussion was about
a missing/NOT missing trailing CR...???

Molto misterioso! ;-)

Another test in that field, now set to listbehaviour!

I can select the empty line 4!

put the num of lines of fld 1 -> 3


delete line 4 of fld 1

Now i cannot select the empty line 4 anymore, since it is GONE!!!???

Can anyone please give a clue about this inconsistency (is it?)

>> P.S.
>> I live in germany...
>> Where do you live?
>> I will get this info!
>> Even if this will be the last action in my life... ;-)
> Sorry, I didn't think you *really* wanted to know. I live in Lonodn, 
> UK!

Ah, thanks :-)

Well in that case, i hate to say, but THIS

>>> Well haveing definitions of parameters in the dictionary would be 
>>> one step towards that,
>>> at least in my corner of the world!!!
>> Where do you live?
> I live in a land where terms that are mentioned in dictionaries aught 
> be have those terms in the dictionary!

must be fiction... :-D

> And I sincerly hope it isn't your last action!
> All the Best and Thanks for your help! Email can be a pain to get your 
> point across!

Especially if there ARE strange things going on... ;-)

> Dave


Klaus Major
klaus at

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