REV, RB, SC speed test, Latest results

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Tue Apr 20 22:54:17 EDT 2004

> 2) One of the suggested strengths of Revolution is the simplicity of 
> getting things done. Why should such a common task take such a lot of 
> optimisation to produce the best results? Are not the 'out of the box' 
> solutions i.e. those that will be produced by the average user, a 
> fairer comparison?
One of the great strengths of a language such as transcript is that 
there are nearly always multiple ways of completing any set task. Some 
will be inherently more efficient than others, but often it doesn't 
matter. In a real world application, who cares whether a particular 
routine takes 100 ms or 500 ms? The other consideration is whether a 
particular routine is a one off task or is it going to be repeated 
frequently? I frequently use Revolution for a one-off text manipulation 
and it doesn't really matter whether it takes 2 seconds or 2 minutes. 
What matters is that it took me only 2 minutes to write the script, not 
2 hours. If a task is used repeatedly, then it is probably worth 
optimizing and that is where the experts on this list are very useful, 
but in normal use, this sort of high-powered code analysis is 

sarahr at

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