Dialog Box in the Center of the Screen

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at hrz.uni-kassel.de
Tue Apr 20 16:58:47 EDT 2004

On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, Roger Guay <rogerguay at centurytel.net>

> This is very cool!  I'm sorry I missed the earlier discussion.  
> Amazingly, I did a search of the archive and didn't find anything
> either.  I must have used the wrong search words??  Anyway, thanks for
> the solution . . . it works just fine!  BTW, I also vote for a
> scriptable option.
> Cheers, Roger

You could also take a look at my "Transparent Dialogs" under "User 
Contributions" on the RunRev site (first choose "Resources"), which 
implement the feature to place answer and ask dialogs anywhere on the 
screen. You can disregard the pseudo-transparency effects and comment 
the respective script lines or transfer the relevant script lines about 
the "newloc" custom property to the Rev dialogs.


WIlhelm Sanke

 From the description:

Transparent Dialogs

These are modified "ask" and "answer dialogs", which can be used with 
the "answer" and "ask" commands. They are semi-transparent, i.e. they 
show the underlying area of the screen or stack. They do *not* display 
the exaggerated width of the dialogs provided with version 2.1.2 of 
Revolution, about which members of the use-revolution list have 
complained. The text is more readable as the textsize is preset to 14 
and the textfont to "verdana", a font both available on the Mac and 
Wimdows platforms.

An additional feature of these dialogs is that you can set their loc to 
any point of the screen - or relative to your stack; just add a line 
like "set the NewLoc of stack "answer dialog" to x,y" before you use the 
ask or answer command.

You could replace the Revolution dialogs with these "transparent 
dialogs", but I would recommend to import them as substacks of any 
stacks of your choice. Thus they would be called instead of the dialogs 
of the Revolution IDE (or - for that matter - the Metacard IDE).

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