How do I Create a Custom Property

David Burgun dburgun at
Tue Apr 20 14:12:27 EDT 2004


Could someone show me how to create a Custom Property from within a 
Script as apposed to the IDE?

I have the following code which doesn't work!!!

on mouseUp
   put the customKeys of this stack into myCustomKeys
   if "CustomTest1" is not in myCustomKeys then
     put "CustomTest1" after last item of  myCustomKeys
     set the customKeys of this stack to myCustomKeys
   end if

set the "CustomTest1" of this stack to false
end mouseUp

I want to create Custom Property called "CustomTest1" if it doesn't 
exist.Whetherv "CustomTest1" exists or not, I want to set it to false.

Could someone show me how to do this? I have been trying to make this 
work for about 2 hours with no luck.

Thanks in Advance

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