Setting screen resolution in Revolution

Frank Leahy frank at
Sun Apr 18 11:10:19 EDT 2004

On Friday, April 16, 2004, at 08:36  PM, 
use-revolution-request at wrote:

> From: Richard Gaskin <ambassador at>
> Subject: Re: Setting screen resolution in Revolution
> To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at>
> Message-ID: <4080189F.2040402 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
> Thanks for the Mac info.
> Anyone have a solution for Windows?
> This looks like a very attractive game he's put together -- it'd be 
> nice
> to see his port go smoothly:
> <>

Yes.  The answer is don't do it!

I HATE programs that think they know better than I do what screen 
resolution I want my monitor set at.

Your friend should provide a black backdrop if he wants to hide the 
other programs, but I would recommend that he not change the screen 
res.  My son has a program that does it, and every once in awhile it 
crashes, and it leaves this 17" monitor in a state that is very 
difficult to change back.

There's another reason why he shouldn't do it -- how does he know that 
the resolution he's going to set it to will work?  Let's say he sets it 
to 800 x 600, or 640 x 480, and my monitor doesn't support that, what 
then?  Also, this monitor is so large that setting it to 640 x 480 will 
make any movies, etc. look very out of size.

-- Frank

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